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Q series (22x22)mm




Sticker 彩色姓名贴纸
- 2 lines dibenarkan 最多排2行字!Maximum 2 lines
- Hanya 1 name saja bagi setiap set 只限一个名字 Only 1 name allow

留意:若订单内容填写错误或资料不全,怒不另行通知,将由公司选定制作交货,物品以实际收到为主, 请订购者或代订购者要特别留意小心填写定购单!
The actual product may appears different from the display here in term of color cast, it is due to the                image scanning, photography lighting, catalog printing and the different time of material purhase. 
- Please be careful in writing your order details especially on behalf of your friends or customers. 

For any incomplete order detail like no indication of color ink, font type, icon code & etc... 
EZ Stamp Ent reserves the right to decide during production withour prior notice.

-  EZ Stamp Ent reserves the right to correct price errors or misprints and advises that interruptions in supply may occur.

  •  您可以从以下字体款式选出一种您要打印的字体款式!

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